What is the difference between Dynamic and Static Content

Dynamic Content
The substance of a site that doesn't stay consistent and changes as per client input(s) is alluded to as dynamic substance. For example, if there should arise an occurrence of an item page, all item subtleties, for example, Product Name, Price, Quantity, and Description are put away in a database and are brought when a client is seeing the site page of a specific item. In this manner, this substance is dynamically created by the CMS and it changes crosswise over items.
Static Content
The substance of a site that remaining parts the equivalent crosswise over pages is alluded to as static substance. This could be served from a database also, however it would be the equivalent over all pages. For example, the route menu, logo of the site, or some other data on the header or footer would not rely upon contributions from the guest.
In the accompanying screen capture, the static substance is featured in yellow and dynamic substance is featured in red for simple reference.Screenshot_2019-09-20_at_1.46.48_PM.png
Altering Dynamic or Static Content
We don't prescribe you to utilize the Edit HTML activity for executing changes in dynamic substance. Altering the HTML code of a dynamic substance can break your site page. You can utilize other proofreader activities, for example, Add JavaScript/CSS to apply changes on dynamic substance.
You can utilize the Edit HTML activity to make changes on static substance. Nonetheless, ensure that the chose component to be altered doesn't contain any dynamic substance.
For Example
Assume you need to test the shade of a catch on your website page that notices the cost of an item—"$29 – Buy it Now." Here, the value "$29" changes dynamically dependent on the item the client chooses.
In the event that you utilize the Edit HTML activity to change the shading and, at that point choose to utilize it to change the content from "Get it Now" to "Add to Cart," the cost and content become static over all website pages. Each "Get it Now" catch will presently peruse "$29 – Add to Cart" on all pages.
In such cases, you can utilize the Change Style activity to alter the shading. The cost of item would stay dynamic for this situation, as required