Clocks and counters
Counters are basically utilized for considering things such jars going into a case on a sequential construction system. This is significant on the grounds that once something is filled to its maximum the thing should be proceeded onward so something different can be filled. Numerous organizations use counters in PLC's to check boxes, tally what number of feet of something is secured, or to tally what number of beds are on a truck. There are three sorts of counters, Up counters, Down counters, and Up/Down counters. Up counters check up to the preset worth, turn on the CTU (CounT Up yield) when the preset worth is come to, and are cleared after accepting a reset. Down counters check down from a preset worth, turns on the CTD (CounT Down yield) when 0 is come to, and are cleared upon reset. Up/Down counters check up on CU, tally down on CD, turn on CTUD (CounT Up/Down yield) when the preset worth is come to, and cleared on reset.