Definition - What does Exclusive OR Gate (XOR Gate) mean?

the information sources are unique and a "0" if every one of the data sources are the equivalent valu
Techopedia clarifies Exclusive OR Gate (XOR Gate)
A XOR entryway fills in as a convenient capacity that can be applied in a wide range of sorts of computational circuits and is commonly utilized in number juggling rationale circuits, computational rationale comparators and blunder recognition circuits. A selective OR entryway is basically used to manufacture circuits that execute number juggling tasks and figurings, especially adders and half-adders, as it can give a "convey bit" work. It can likewise fill in as a controlled inverter where one info passes the twofold information and the other information is provided with a control signal.
A XOR door is ordinarily found in applications managing a fundamental rationale comparator that creates a rationale "1" yield when its two info bits are inconsistent. This is the motivation behind why it increased an imbalance status as an include work. Thought about a half breed, its adequacy and versatility has transformed it into a standard legitimate capacity complete with its very own Boolean articulation, administrator and image.