What is a Magnetic Contactor?

What is a Magnetic Contactor?

WorkAttractive contactors are a type of electrical hand-off found on most electrically fueled engines. They go about as a go-between for direct power sources, and high-load electrical engines so as to homogenize or adjust changes in electrical recurrence which may originate from a power supply just as to go about as a shield. It ought to be noticed that however they are comparative in structure, attractive contactors are not circuit breakers. They don't cut off the association among apparatus, and power source during a short out. They are separable from an engine so an administrator may work with that engine; dismantle or look after it, without the plausibility of live current as yet going through the gadget.


The outside of the attractive contactor is square and boxlike. Contingent upon the electrical gadget to which it appends, it very well may be sufficiently little to fit in the hand or over a yard long. They are made of a warmth safe, non-conductive plastic, for example, Bakelite, and have two metal contacts which fit into the contacts of their parent gadget. Inside, one contact prompts a little electromagnetic loop. The other contact prompts a delicate iron center which remains isolated from the curl in view of a spring.


At the point when power courses through the attractive contactor, it makes the electromagnet produce a solid attractive field. This field maneuvers the iron center into the curl, and makes an electrical circular segment. Power goes in through one contact and into the contactor's parent gadget thusly. To deactivate, the contactor can be physically pulled from the parent gadget. Additionally, without electrical flow, the spring pushes the center away from the loop, breaking the association.

Electrical And Electronics Engineering

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