Thyristor Tutorial,Electronics

Half wave Rectifier

Electrical ServicesA rectifier is only a basic diode or gathering of diodes which changes over the Substituting Current (Air conditioning) into Direct Current (DC).

We realize that a diode permits electric flow one way and squares electric flow toward another path. We are utilizing this standard to develop different sorts of rectifiers.

Rectifiers are ordered into various kinds dependent on the quantity of diodes utilized in the circuit or course of action of diodes in the circuit. The essential sorts of rectifiers are: half wave rectifier and full wave rectifier.

How about we investigate the half wave rectifier....

Half wave rectifier definition

A half wave rectifier is a kind of rectifier which changes over the positive half cycle (positive current) of the info signal into throbbing DC (Direct Current) yield signal.

or then again

A half wave rectifier is a kind of rectifier which permits just half cycle (either positive half cycle or negative half cycle) of the information air conditioning signal while the another half cycle is blocked.

A half wave rectifier is a kind of rectifier which changes over the positive half cycle (positive current) of the info signal into throbbing DC (Direct current) yield signal.

For instance, on the off chance that the positive half cycle is permitted, at that point the negative half cycle is blocked. Thus, on the off chance that the negative half cycle is permitted, at that point the positive half cycle is blocked. Be that as it may, a half wave rectifier won't permit both positive and negative half cycles simultaneously.

In this manner, the half cycle (either positive or negative) of the information signal is squandered.

What is half wave rectifier?

The half wave rectifier is the least difficult type of the rectifier. We utilize just a solitary diode to develop the half wave rectifier.

The half wave rectifier is comprised of an air conditioner source, transformer (step-down), diode, and resistor (load). The diode is set between the transformer and resistor (load).

The half wave rectifier is comprised of an air conditioner source, transformer (step-down), diode, and resistor (load).

Air conditioning source

The Air conditioner source supplies Substituting Current to the circuit. The exchanging current is frequently spoken to by a sinusoidal waveform.


Transformer is a gadget which diminishes or builds the air conditioner voltage. The progression down transformer lessens the air conditioner voltage from high to low while the progression up transformer expands the air conditioner voltage from low to high. In half wave rectifier, we by and large utilize a stage down transformer in light of the fact that the voltage required for the diode is extremely little. Applying a huge air conditioning voltage without utilizing transformer will for all time demolish the diode. So we use step-down transformer in half wave rectifier. In any case, now and again, we go through a stage transformer.

In the progression down transformer, the essential winding has a larger number of turns than the optional winding. So the progression down transformer lessens the voltage from essential twisting to optional winding.


A diode is a two terminal gadget that permits electric flow one way and squares electric flow toward another path.


A resistor is an electronic segment that confines the present stream to a specific level.

Half wave rectifier activity

Positive half wave rectifier

At the point when high air conditioning voltage (60 Hz) is applied, the progression down transformer diminishes this high voltage into low voltage. In this manner, a low voltage is delivered at the auxiliary twisting of the transformer. The low voltage delivered at the auxiliary twisting of the transformer is called optional voltage (Versus). The Air conditioner voltage or air conditioning signal applied to the transformer is only an information air conditioning flag or information air conditioning voltage.

The low air conditioning voltage delivered by the progression down transformer is straightforwardly applied to the diode.

At the point when low air conditioning voltage is applied to the diode (D), during the positive half cycle of the sign, the diode is forward one-sided and permits electric flow while, during the negative half cycle, the diode is invert one-sided and squares electric flow.

At the point when low air conditioning voltage is applied to the diode (D), during the positive half cycle of the sign, the diode is forward one-sided and permits electric flow though, during the negative half cycle, the diode is switch one-sided and squares electric flow. In basic words, the diode permits the positive half-cycle of the information air conditioning sign and obstructs the negative half-cycle of the information air conditioning signal.

The positive half-cycle of the information air conditioning sign or air conditioning voltage applied to the diode is comparable to the forward DC voltage applied to the p-n intersection diode also the negative half-cycle of the information air conditioning signal applied to the diode is closely resembling the turn around DC voltage applied to the p-n intersection diode.

We realize that diode permits electric flow when it is forward one-sided and squares electric flow when it is turn around one-sided. Additionally, in an air conditioner circuit, the diode permits electric flow during the positive half cycle (forward one-sided) and squares electric flow during the negative half cycle (turn around one-sided).

The positive half wave rectifier doesn't totally obstruct the negative half cycles. It permits a little segment of negative half cycles or little negative current. This current is created by the minority bearers in the diode.

The current delivered by the minority bearers is little. So it is ignored. We can't outwardly observe the little segment of negative half cycles at the yield.

In a perfect diode, the negative half cycles or negative current is zero.

The resistor put at the yield expends the DC current produced by the diode. Consequently, the resistor is otherwise called an electrical burden. The yield DC voltage or DC current is estimated over the heap resistor RL.

The electrical burden is only an electrical segment of a circuit that expends electric flow. In half wave rectifier, the resistor devours the DC current produced by the diode. So the resistor in half wave rectifier is known as a heap.

Once in a while, the heap is likewise alludes to the power devoured by the circuit.

The heap resistors are utilized in half wave rectifiers to confine or hinder the abnormal abundance DC current delivered by the diode.

Along these lines, the half wave rectifier permits positive half cycles and squares negative half cycles. The half wave rectifier which permits positive half cycles and squares negative half cycles is known as a positive half wave rectifier. The yield DC current or DC signal delivered by a positive half wave rectifier is a progression of positive half cycles or positive sinusoidal heartbeats.

Presently we should investigate the negative half wave rectifier........

Negative half wave rectifier

The development and working of negative half wave rectifier is practically like the positive half wave rectifier. The main thing we alter here is the course of a diode.

At the point when air conditioning voltage is applied, the progression down transformer diminishes the high voltage to low voltage. This low voltage is applied to the diode.

In contrast to the positive half wave rectifier, the negative half wave rectifier permits electric flow during the negative half-cycle of information air conditioning sign and squares electric flow during the positive half-cycle of the information air conditioning signal.

In contrast to the positive half wave rectifier, the negative half wave rectifier permits electric flow during the negative half-cycle of information air conditioning sign and squares electric flow

During the negative half cycle, the diode is forward one-sided and during the positive half cycle the diode is turn around one-sided, so the negative half wave rectifier permits electric flow just during the negative half cycle.

In this way, the negative half wave rectifier permits negative half cycles and squares positive half cycles.

The negative half wave rectifier doesn't totally hinder the positive half cycles. It permits a little part of positive half cycles or little positive current. This current is delivered by the minority transporters in the diode.

The current created by the minority transporters is extremely little. So it is disregarded. We can't outwardly observe this little positive half cycles at the yield.

In a perfect diode, the positive half cycle or positive current is zero.

The DC current or DC voltage delivered by the negative half wave rectifier is estimated over the heap resistor RL. The yield DC current or DC signal delivered by a negative half wave rectifier is a progression of negative half cycles or negative sinusoidal heartbeats.

In this way, a negative half wave rectifier creates a progression of negative sinusoidal heartbeats.

In an ideal or perfect diode, the positive half cycle or negative half cycle at the yield is actually same as the info positive half cycle or negative half cycle. Be that as it may, by and by, the positive half cycle or negative half cycle at the yield is marginally not quite the same as the information positive half cycle or negative half cycle. In any case, this distinction is insignificant. So we can't see the distinction with our eyes.

In this way, the half wave rectifier creates a progression of positive sinusoidal heartbeats or negative sinusoidal heartbeats. This arrangement of positive heartbeats or negative heartbeats is anything but an unadulterated direct current. It is a throbbing direct current.

The throbbing direct current changes its incentive over a brief timeframe. Be that as it may, our point is to deliver an immediate current which doesn't change its incentive over a brief timeframe. Thusly, the throbbing direct current isn't a lot of valuable.

Half wave rectifier with capacitor channel

A channel changes over the throbbing direct current into unadulterated direct current. In half wave rectifiers, a capacitor or inductor is utilized as a channel to change over the throbbing DC to unadulterated DC.

The yield voltage delivered by a half wave rectifier isn't consistent; it fluctuates regarding time. In handy applications, a consistent DC supply voltage is required.

So as to create a consistent DC voltage, we have to stifle the waves of a DC voltage. This can be accomplished by utilizing either a capacitor channel or inductor channel at the yield side. In the beneath circuit, we are utilizing the capacitor channel. The capacitor set

Electrical And Electronics Engineering

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