

Definition: Potentiometer is an instrument that is utilized the decide the potential (voltage) between two focuses by playing out an examination with a known voltage. Fundamentally, so as to do as such, a manual variety in obstruction is performed in order to control the present stream along these lines
deciding the necessary voltage.

Electrical ServicesPotentiometers are ordinarily abridged as POT and are only factor resistors that estimates the emf between two existing focuses.

The circuit of a potentiometer gives the definite estimation of emf. We realize that voltmeters are additionally used to ascertain the voltage in any circuit. At that point, what is the favorable position related with a potentiometer that it is being utilized in the circuit to gauge the potential distinction?

A voltmeter is a gadget that gives an inexact estimation of the voltage over the circuit. Be that as it may, a potentiometer gives precise or careful voltage esteem.

Presently, how might we say that?

In this way, consider the circuit underneath, where a current of 2 An is coursing through a resistor of 5 ohms and a voltmeter is associated parallelly to decide the voltage through that circuit.

Model circuit

In any case, the general 2 A present won't course through the resistor. As because of the parallel association of the voltmeter and resistor, some present will course through the voltmeter. This resultantly will diminish the genuine voltage drop between the two focuses. Resultantly we won't get the precise worth that was required to be determined.

Along these lines, this is the purpose behind utilizing a potentiometer to get the precise potential distinction as opposed to utilizing a voltmeter.

Development of Potentiometer

The figure underneath shows the circuit portrayal of a potentiometer:circuit of potentiometer

Here, an outside power supply having known voltage E is associated in arrangement with an opposition box whose worth can be changed at any moment of time. Likewise, r is the inner obstruction. A resistive wire of length L is taken which is comprised of material like manganese and constantan.

The purpose for utilizing these metals is that these hold an uncommon property by uprightness of which the opposition doesn't show a lot of variety with the adjustment in temperature. While if there should be an occurrence of different metals, an unexpected change in the opposition of the metal is seen with the variety in temperature.

Along these lines, one terminal of supply battery is associated with a finish of the galvanometer by going through the resistive wire while another terminal structures an immediate association with the resistive wire.

The galvanometer shapes an association through an obscure voltage to a center point with the assistance of racer. This racer is utilized to play out the adjustment in places of the point. As this point is only the goes about as that second point in the middle of which potential distinction is to be estimated.

In this way, let us continue further to comprehend the working guideline of potentiometers.

Working Principle of Potentiometer

Till now we have examined the essential presentation of the potentiometer. Let us continue further to decide the obscure voltage between two focuses.

Consider the circuit beneath, where the racer is associated with a point C in the resistive wire.

potentiometic working

The opposition/unit length of the resistive wire having length L is given as

ρ = R/L

In this way, the obstruction of the resistive wire is given as

R = ρL

We know the current through the circuit is given as

V = IR

In this way, I = V/R

Along these lines the general current will be given as


: R' is the obstruction browsed the Resistance Box and r is the inside opposition.

I indicate the general current through the circuit.

Assume, we need to figure the voltage crosswise over point An and C having length x.

Along these lines, the voltage between point An and C will be given as


Subbing the estimation of current in the above condition, we get


As different qualities are consistent with the exception of ρx.

In this way, we can say that the voltage between the two focuses is legitimately corresponding to its length.


VAC α x

VAC = σx

: σ means the proportionality steady

In this way, we can compose

σ = VAC/x

It is known as the potential slope.

Consider the figure below:1

The figure appeared above is only the improved type of the circuit appeared toward the start:

In this way, the net estimation of the voltage is given as

Net worth = V0 – σx

This implies the net estimation of the voltage over the circuit is the distinction of voltage gave to the voltage between point An and C.

Case 1: When the racer is at point An, at that point the length will be 0

In this way, the net estimation of the voltage will be V0

Since σx = 0

Case 2: When the length is expanded by moving the racer towards right,

In this way, at point C net worth will be V0 – σx

This implies with the expansion long the net worth declines.

When the net worth gets 0, bringing about the avoidance at the galvanometer to be 0.

In this way,

V0 = σx

Henceforth the potential contrast over the two focuses can be determined utilizing the potentiometer.

Favorable circumstances of Potentiometer

Ease instrument.

It tends to be worked effectively.

Potentiometers are profoundly effective and helpful for estimating the huge contrast in potential between 2 focuses.

It gives precise outcomes.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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