Used to gauge the vertical scale, the volts/division decides the quantity of volts for every vertical division. The time/division controls the flat scale. The measure of time every even division shows is equivalently changed when you modify the time/division. Alter these two settings until the sign is obviously shown on the oscilloscope's screen.

Air conditioning Amplitude
To quantify the substituting current (AC) adequacy you start by connecting the AC sign to one of the oscilloscope's contributions before advancing the sign. The AC sign will sway and take after a sine wave. You'll quantify the sign's plentifulness by tallying the quantity of vertical divisions between the sign's most elevated and bottommost extremes (for example its pinnacle and trough). You can get the sufficiency in volts by increasing the quantity of vertical divisions by your volts/division setting.
Air conditioning Frequency
On the off chance that you'd prefer to quantify the substituting current recurrence you should connect the AC sign to one of the contributions on your computerized oscilloscope and advance the sign. Check the quantity of even divisions starting with one high point then onto the next (for example top to top) of your wavering sign. Next you'll increase the quantity of flat divisions when/division to locate the sign's time frame. You can compute the sign's recurrence with this condition: frequency=1/period.
DC Signal Voltage
So as to quantify an immediate current (DC) sign's voltage you first turn on your oscilloscope without associating the info signal. (Note that a DC sign will be level on your oscilloscope's presentation.) Place the oscilloscope line over the zero volt level with the vertical position setting. At that point plug the DC signal way into one of your oscilloscope's data sources. In the wake of connecting the sign you will see the oscilloscope line move on the vertical hub. You'll tally the quantity of vertical divisions that your oscilloscope line moves and increase the vertical divisions by the volts/division to discover the DC signal voltage.