An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test used to discover issues identified with electrical action of
the mind.

EnginerAn EEG tracks and records cerebrum wave designs. Little metal plates with flimsy wires (cathodes) are put on the scalp, and afterward send sign to a PC to record the outcomes. Ordinary electrical movement in the cerebrum makes a conspicuous example. Through an EEG, specialists can search for unusual examples that show seizures and different issues.

Why It's Done

Most EEGs are done to analyze and screen seizure issue. EEGs likewise can recognize reasons for different issues, for example, rest issue and changes in conduct. They're at times used to assess mind movement after serious head damage or before a heart transplant or liver transplant.


In the event that your kid is having an EEG, arrangement is negligible. Your kid's hair ought to be perfect and free of oils, splashes, and conditioner to enable the cathodes to adhere to the scalp.

Your primary care physician may prescribe that your kid quit taking certain medications before the test. It's frequently prescribed that children not have caffeine as long as 8 hours before the test. On the off chance that it's fundamental for your kid to rest during the EEG, the specialist will recommend approaches to help make this simpler.

The Procedure

An EEG should be possible in the specialist's office, a lab, or a medical clinic. Your youngster will be approached to lie on a bed or sit in a seat. The EEG specialist will join cathodes to various areas on the scalp utilizing cement glue. Every cathode is associated with an enhancer and EEG recording machine.

The electrical sign from the mind are changed over into wavy lines on a PC screen. Your kid will be approached to lie still since development can change the outcomes.

On the off chance that the objective of the EEG is to copy or cause the issue your kid is having (like seizures), the person might be approached to take a gander at a brilliant flashing light or inhale a specific way. The social insurance supplier playing out the EEG will know your kid's restorative history and will be prepared for any issues that could come up during the test.

Most EEGs take about 60 minutes. In the event that your kid needs to rest during it, the test will take longer. You may have the option to remain in the stay with your youngster, or you can step outside to a holding up territory.

What's in store

An EEG isn't awkward, and patients don't feel any stuns on the scalp or somewhere else. In any case, having anodes glued to the scalp can be somewhat distressing for kids, as can lying as yet during the test.


Getting the Results

A nervous system specialist (a specialist prepared in sensory system issue) will peruse and translate the outcomes. In spite of the fact that EEGs change in multifaceted nature and length, results as a rule are accessible in a couple of days.


EEGs are protected. On the off chance that your kid has a seizure issue, your primary care physician should animate and record a seizure during the EEG. A seizure can be activated by glimmering lights or an adjustment in breathing example.

Helping Your Child

You can help set up your youngster for an EEG by clarifying that it won't be awkward. You can portray the room and the hardware that will be utilized, and promise your youngster that you'll be there as soon as humanly possible for help. For more seasoned children, make certain to clarify the significance of keeping still while the EEG is done so it won't need to be rehashed.

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